
Greek perception of the Others was syncretic: real facts were mixed with fantastic ideas; in their view the Others lived on the outskirts of the oikumene, that is on the border with the other worlds – in the broad sense – real and fantastic, the world of alive and dead – this connected them with the phenomena of borders, transition, burial, etc. Due to this, the Others in Greek art were often represented in mythological subjects and as mythological characters. Also, some subjects where the Others were represented were connected with the phenomena of transition and burial – war, preparations for war, hunt, etc. Also, some details of such images were connected with these phenomena. The semantics of the Greek vase painting was controversial and multilayered therefore interpretation of many of such images is disputable. Besides, the phenomena studied might be examined in a more narrow or more broad sense. Moreover, the connection of many characters represented with the other world, other gods and myths is much more complicated and outgoes far beyond the borders of the thematic connected with the Otherness.

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