
This study begins from the perspective that students living in a digital era without borders need an attitude of interest and participation in social issues as digital citizens. Therefore, it aims to explore the changes in students' civic consciousness, focusing on elementary school art education, through global citizenship education using Edutech. The digital media used in this study are Google Site Tools, Padlet Online Bulletin Board, Spatial Metaverse, and MetaQuest2 VR. Accordingly, the educational significance of students was investigated by analyzing the case of 3rd grade elementary school classes. As a result of the study, first, the understanding and improvement of visual senses in terms of synesthetic interaction. In addition, better participation became possible through empathy through art. Second, in terms of improving self-directed problem-solving ability and willingness to practice, there was an improvement in problem-solving ability and decision-making ability through participation and cooperation. Significant educational significance was found in that interest and willingness to practice were formed in various international issues.

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