
The article is devoted to the actual problem of controlling the circulation of petroleum products in the warehouses of the service subsystem of an enterprise that supplies fuel to industrial vehicles. The processes of transportation of raw materials, materials, finished products, as well as the transportation of employees to remote work sites are important for the smooth functioning of the main production, and their cost reaches 25-30% of the cost of production. The purpose of the article is to study the problems of organizing automated accounting of petroleum products based on a multifunctional programmable controller of a fuel depot in service industries. The basis of the research methods was the dialectical and systematic approach, methods of formalization, modeling, methods of cause-and-effect relationships. To assess the pace of development of advanced production technologies, a statistical analysis of data dynamics was used, which makes it possible to determine priorities in the development of technologies, to identify the relationship between developments in a related direction. To visualize the technological processes in the fuel depot, which require the organization of automated control of petroleum products, the method of graphic descriptions of control processes was used, reflecting the route technology for performing managerial functions. The study of the organization of service industries of Russian enterprises showed the predominance of the use of manual control or the use of foreign information products for the purposes of accounting for petroleum products. Trends in the development of advanced production technologies have been identified that characterize the importance of creating equipment for automated transportation of materials, automated loading and unloading operations in the service subsystems of transportation and storage. The processes and operations at the transport fuel warehouse serving the transport subsystem of the main production are systematized. A schematic block diagram of technological processes at a fuel depot has been developed, requiring the organization of automated control and accounting of petroleum products. The functions of the control device are performed by the multifunctional controller of the fuel depot, for the operation of which it is necessary to provide connection of additional technological equipment. The duration of the technological cycle of operations at the fuel depot before and after process automation has been studied. For nine key operations, the time and cost of performing work are presented, the time and economic effect from the introduction of a multifunctional programmable controller is calculated, which is, respectively, 7.61% and 19.48 thousand rubles as a whole for the full technological cycle. The research materials have theoretical and practical significance, they can be used in the development of scientific investment projects for the creation and implementation of automated fuel storage systems based on a multifunctional programmable controller in the practice of organizing servicing production processes.

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