
3 February marks the 100th anniversary of I.V. Fyodorov's birth. He will remain in the memory of his students, colleagues, postgraduates and doctoral students as a kind, intelligent and great professional. The article "Service to Tomsk State University as a vital credo of Professor I.V. Fyodorov" is devoted to the main stages of life and scientific-pedagogical activity of Doctor of Law, Professor I.V. Fyodorov, who devoted more than forty years of his life to the service to Tomsk State University. A significant part of scientific and pedagogical activity of I.V. Fyodorov at TSU falls within the Soviet period of the Russian state. The university life period of I.V. Fyodorov began on October 01, 1958, when he was hired at TSU. The main period of scientific and pedagogical activity I.V. Fyodorov fell in the 60-80 years of the last century. In pedagogical activity I.V. Fyodorov professed a number of own criteria of teaching: there is nothing more practical than a good theory, knowledge of principles easily replaces ignorance of some facts, students should be taught the law, and not the laws. The main object of I.V. Fyodorov's scientific interests was the civil law contract and its variant, the commercial contract. He studied these contracts as early as in his candi-date's thesis, and then from 1965 he continued in his doctoral thesis and in numerous articles. The main scientific conclusion of his research lies in a capacious formula: The contractual regulation of economic relations is a method of influencing the economy of the USSR. The authors of the article are convinced that I.V. Fyodorov's works have not only scien-tific and historical value. Certain positions of I.V. Fyodorov on the most topical problems of civil law, the main ideas which were expressed by him in the Soviet period of work have not lost their relevance in the post-Soviet period, and some - in the present time as well. These are, for example, the ideas about the fundamental basis of civil law, the relationship between the contract and the obligation, and the importance of fault in contract law, including in busi-ness activity. In his scientific and pedagogical work, I.V. Fyodorov paid much attention to individual work with students. He supervised 20 postgraduate students and was academic adviser to 2 doctoral students. Besides his scientific and pedagogical work, I.V. Fyodorov also took an active part in educational and methodical work at the Department: he was the co-author and editor of different educational and methodical textbooks and practical works on the general part of the civil law. Until 1995, he read the special course Business Contract (50 hours), and since 1995 he led the special course "Contract Law of Russia". During different periods of his life I.V. Fyodorov fulfilled numerous public assignments: he was elected a member of the Tymsk District Committee of the All-Union Komsomol of the Tomsk region, was a member of the CPSU, was elected to various party bodies, was the Chairman of the Tomsk Regional Society "Znanie". I.V. Fyodorov was awarded a number of state medals, he was also marked with TSU badges.

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