
The structural and semantic analysis of null suffix of feminine and neuter gender nouns and pluralia tantum nouns in the Ukrainian language of the ancient Russian-Ukrainian period (XI–XIII centuries) is carried out through the prism of lexical word-forming types and subtypes. The vast majority of the described derivatives are formed from verbs that have the following general word-forming meanings: ‟carrier of a procedural feature” and ‟object movement or state”. The considered deverbatives are mainly of Proto-Slavic origin, the analysis of linguistic facts involves only those nouns that have retained structural and semantic correspondence with the creative bases at the time of their fixation in the texts of the first written memos of the Ukrainian language. In the group of derivatives with the general word-forming meaning ‟carrier of the procedural feature”, there are derivatives that name females and female derivatives with the meaning of summation of persons (хоть ῾wife’, роба ῾slave’). Nulsufixation is more widely represented in the derivation of the names of inanimate objects, namely: the name of natural phenomena, natural disasters, weather conditions (гроза, моча ῾rain’, поводь ῾flood’), natural objects, land allocations, water surfaces (истурга ῾water’, пожня ῾cornfield’), names of places of permanent or temporary location of someone (застава, оболость’), buildings, objects of various purposes (огорода, стел"), tools, household utensils (,мhра ῾a device for measuring weight, quantity’, перевhсa ῾net for catching birds’), food (пища, пита ῾bread with ritual use’), substances, materials (масть опока ῾of chalk limestone, gray-white clay’). Some names of diseases ("зва, грыжа), derivatives with seven results of intellectual action (заповhдь, повhсть), etc. are documented. In the circle of derivatives with the general word-forming meaning «objectified action or state» the names of actions are widely represented irrespective of duration and character of their course (осада, бесhда). Occasionally there are nouns that indicate the relationship between people (пр#, свада), their actions (оклевета ῾slander’, ослоуха ῾disobedience’), etc. Female adjective null suffixes are infrequently documented. These are only names of persons, locatives (неплодь, соуш", чащ") and some other nouns. Sights of the XI–XIII centuries document several deverbatives of the neutral gender (диво, вhче, ложе, право) and pluratives (ловы, постригы). Selected linguistic facts give grounds to assert that the zero-suffix creation of feminine nouns in the Old Russian Ukrainian language was a fairly common phenomenon, which laid a solid foundation for further activation of the zero formant in the noun derivation.

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