
The research was carried out at the stationary pilot site of LLC LUKOIL-Volgogradneftepererabotka located in the Volgograd region. Soil samples for microbiological analysis were taken from each variant of the experiment according to GOST 28168-89 from the upper root-inhabited horizon in the aisles and under shrubs Arónia melanocárpa, Rósa canína, Crataegus submollis, Hippophae rhamnoídes, Prúnus virginiána, Tamarix ramosissima. The most diverse communities of microorganisms were formed under the crowns of rosehip, hawthorn and cherry (16 generic complexes). The smallest number of genera was found under tamarix (12 genera) In soils with weakly occurring processes of mineralization of organic substances, imperfect fungi dominate, for which organic nitrogen is needed (Alternaria, Fusarium, etc.). The positive influence of shrubs on the microflora of the soil of recultivated objects was revealed. Saprophytic microflora prevails over pathogenic. In the experiment, the biological activity of soils containing oil sludge, according to the degree of decomposition of plant residues, depended on the growing shrubs and their organic matter. Under the crowns of Rósa canína, Prúnus virginiána and Arónia melanocárpa, it was 12.7-14.3 % higher than under the crowns of Tamarix ramosissima. It has been established that the microbiological activity of the soil increases, the process of restoring fertility and health accelerates. The greatest activity of microorganisms was detected under the crowns of rosehip, aronia, hawthorn and cherry. The leaves of these shrubs quickly turn into the organic matter of the soil, improving the conditions for the existence of soil microorganisms. Plantings of shrubs create phytomeliorative protection for grasses, which form a sufficiently large phytomass of leaves and stems (9.14 c/ha) at the end of the growing season. The resulting organic matter is nutrition for the microflora and contributes to the restoration of soil fertility.

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