
The article explores the specifics of the existence of castles in the territory of modern Vinnytsia region. The reasons for creating defense objects are identified. This process was linked to the colonial policy of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania on the one hand, and to the need for protection against the nomads on the other hand. The researched territory was a border that was frequently attacked. The problem became especially acute after the creation in 1441 of the Crimean Khanate. The article explains the place and role of fortifications in the history of the region. The castles could protect the local population from the Tatar raids. The main factors that have caused the loss of the defensive function of the castles are identified in the article. Since the beginning of the XVIII century, significant changes have taken place in the geopolitical situation. The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth gradually lost its power until the division of its territories at the end of the XVIII century. Instead, the Russian Empire strengthened and invaded the researched territories. Subsequently, as a result of a series of Ottoman-Russian wars, the threat of steppe attacks finally disappears. So the castles have lost their value and began to declin under the new conditions. The article also discusses the peculiarity of further transformation of castles and the beginning of dominance of palace construction in the researched region. In general, there are several options to take place after castles have ceased to play a key role in the existence of settlements. The first is the gradual decline and demolition of structures, and the second is restructuring. Most of the buildings, unfortunately, have not been preserved to date, or only ruins remain. A significant number have been rebuilt over time. First of all this concerned to private castles.

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