
Many concepts about the end of time and the afterlife are common to nearly every religion in the human world. However, the human discussion of the end of life and the afterlife has been limited to the teachings and testimonies of a few sages and saints, including Jesus Christ. However, with the advancement of science and technology, a better understanding of the nature of the universe and the material world around us may assist in the search for some sort of analogical hints about the end of time and the afterlife.
 This paper does not attempt to explain various concepts of Christian eschatology or to determine their scientific authenticity. Instead, it seeks to analogically explain the Christian concept of death from the end of the material world by scientifically analyzing the phenomenon of the end of the material world as given by God the Creator.
 Thus, this paper summarizes the beginning, evolution, and end of the universe and the stars through the findings of modern physics over the past 100 years. By showing that the fate of the stars and the universe is similar to one of humans and the world as described in Christian eschatology, I hope to make it clear that the perspective of Christian eschatology is sufficiently similar to the one of the material world.

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