
Relevance. Due to the rapidly changing living conditions, self-regulation skills are the most important components of personality that allow to adapt to reality faster and organize activities inthe most successful way. Th is becomes especially relevant for teenagers who are involved in a large number of classes and projects, in addition to their main activities at school. Objectiveis to study the features of regulatory functions and their interrelations with various personality characteristics in adolescents engaged in scientifi c activities. Study. Th e study involved 78 adolescents aged 14–17 years (Mage = 15, 96; SDage = 1.01) who were trained in the framework of the “Big Challenges” project of the SIRIUS educational Center in the direction of “Science’ in 2021. Several methods aimed at studying self-regulation, stress levels, subjective well-being and perfectionism in adolescents were chosen as diagnostic tools. Results. It was shown that the level of self-regulation of adolescents in activity is better developed than their level of emotional self-regulation. It was also demonstrated that the level of general self-regulation in adolescents involved in science is signifi cantly interrelated with indicators of resilience and self-directed perfectionism. Conclusion. Th e study confi rmed the importance of studying the features of self-regulation in adolescents and revealed the need to develop practical recommendations for their development.

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