
Introduction. At the beginning of the twentieth century, Kamianets-Podilskyi was one of the citiesof Ukraine where national cultural and educational centers were formed, which contributed to the awakening ofnational consciousness in Ukraine in 1917-1921. The revolution opened up great opportunities for the developmentof Ukrainian education and culture. In October 1918, the State Ukrainian University was founded in KamianetsPodilskyi, the fi rst national higher educational institution created by the independent Ukrainian state. A year later,the University opened an agricultural faculty, the faculty created departments: crop, agronomic, horticulturaland horticultural, livestock. The opening of the faculty was important, at which time the Directorate began landreform, which required specialists with agricultural education. One of the founders of the Faculty of Agricultureat Kamyanets-Podilsky State Ukrainian University was Ivan Andriyovych Oliynyk - a famous agronomist, the fi rstdean of the Faculty of Agronomy of Kamyanets-Podilsky Agricultural Institute. In modern historiography thereare no special comprehensive studies of social life and organizational activities of the founders of agriculturaleducation in Podolia.The рurpose is to analyze the fi gure of I. Oliynyk – one of the organizers of agricultural education inPodillya.The methods of investigation: problem-searching, historical-comparative, systems thinking, chronological,analysis and synthesis.Results. І. А. Oliynyk was born on June 23, 1879 in the town of Studenytsia, Ushytsya district, Podolskprovince, into a peasant family. In April 1919, the Faculty of Agriculture was established at Kamyanets-PodilskyState Ukrainian University. There was an urgent need for his professional support, because there were not enoughteachers who could teach lectures to students in the Ukrainian language and had the necessary specialty. I.Oliynyk had extensive practical experience in the agricultural sector and the necessary education, so the universitymanagement invited to teach. With the advent of Soviet power I. Oliynyk remained in Kam ‘Yanka-Podilskyi,became the fi rst dean of the agronomic faculty of the institute. In the summer of 1930, the Kamyanets-PodilskyAgricultural Institute was reorganized into the Institute of Technical Cultures and the All-Ukrainian ResearchInstitute of Poultry. I.A. Oliynyk started working but he didn’t have to teach there for a long time. The punitiveauthorities began to fabricate the case of the Ukrainian branch of the Labor Peasant Party with its center inKharkiv. He was arrested by local Chekists for allegedly «counter-revolutionary activities» in agronomy andconvicted. And only on September 16, 1960, by the decision of the Judicial Board for Criminal Cases of theVerkhovna Rada of the USSR, the case of I.A. Oliynyk was interrupted due to the lack of evidence of the accusationand he was rehabilitated.Novelty of the results of the research. Investigating the history of agricultural education in Ukraine, inparticular in Podillya through the fi gure of Ivan Andreevich Oliynyk traces the general trend of the era, theattitude of political regimes to educators, scientists, public and political fi gures. Everyone’s biography will givean opportunity to recreate their own face in history, and then make a holistic picture of events, time and system.Conclusions. For the short period of time that falls on the scientifi c and pedagogical activities of I.A. Oliynykcan trace the history of formation and development of agricultural education in Ukraine. The historical period ofthe 20s-30s of the XX century under the infl uence of political events and realities of that time formed a system thatinfl uenced not only the socio-political relations, but also the personal life of each person.

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