
The health of the nation is the main marker of the successful development of the state. Maintaining and improving the health of citizens are the main tasks of social policy in every country. Morbidity and disability are among the main indicators of the state of public health. They reflect the demographic situation and the level of socio-economic development of the country. Every year the number of persons with disabilities increases, which makes the problem of disability of the able-bodied population extremely relevant. Monitoring of disability, as one of the medical and demographic indicators, is the basis for ensuring the protection of the health of citizens. Research on the epidemiology of disability is the key to preventing an increase in the number of disabled citizens. In addition, it plays an important role in the distribution of the state budget to improve the quality of life of people with an assigned disability group and to carry out preventive measures aimed at reducing the impact of risk factors for disability. Purpose. Assessing the degree, structure and dynamics of disability among residents of the city of Tver using the example of surgical patients observed in the “City Clinical Hospital No. 7”, and detection the main number of diseases that caused the setting of a disability group. Methods. An analysis was carried out regarding the data on the official reports of the surgical department polyclinic No. 1 of the state budgetary healthcare institution “City Clinical Hospital No. 7” in Tver for the period from 2010 to 2020. The dynamics of the frequency of registration of persons with disabilities was studied among surgical patients, the main groups of diseases that caused disability were identified, the structure of disability by groups was analyzed. The degree of reliability of the obtained data was assessed. Results. The growth of citizens with disabilities in the outpatient surgical department increased 3,3 times from 2010 to 2020. The dynamics was wave-like. There was a sharp rise in the number of people who received a disability group for the first time from the beginning of 2010 to the end of 2013. The indicators did not change much from 2014 to 2020. However, the dynamics of the percentage of the working population among persons with disabilities developed in inverse proportion. Those who received a disability group for the first time mainly had pathologies of the musculoskeletal system and vascular diseases. Conclusion. Based on the data of the surgical department of the polyclinic in the city of Tver, the number of persons with disabilities tends to increase. It requires constant monitoring. The number of persons with disabilities tends to increase. It was illustrated through an example of a study in Tver. All that leads to a decrease in the able-bodied population and an increase in social inequality. It is an urgent problem in the region.

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