
The article is devoted to the study of non-verbal means as a component of dialectal communication. Although in Ukrainian Dialectology scholars have been focused on the importance of fixing extralinguistic means of information transmission in the process of dialectal language recording, in particular intonation, tempo and power of speech, gaze, gestures, facial expression, smile, etc. (H. Arkushyn, P. Hrytsenko) and have been examined the connection between the verbal material and the non-verbal components of the game text in the Eastern Sloboda dialects (H. Barylova), non-verbal means among the conflicting factors of dialectal communication (V. Papish), have been pointed to the using of suffixal intensifiers in the indicative pronoun отакий in connection with the opportunity to accompany the oral narrative with dimensional gestures (V. Liesnova), the analysis of non-verbal means, in particular gestures, of expression of the semantics of Eastern Polissian verbs is not revealed that determines the relevance of this study. The paper describes the types and functions of gestures that are used by dialectal speakers of the Eastern Polissia to express the semantics of verbs, and characterizes their peculiarities in dialectal communication. The researcher analyzes the movements of the hands (movements of the head, eyes are involved as auxiliary to characterize the movements of the hands) and outlined emblematic and illustrative gestures. During the nomination, non-verbal means are inseparable with verbal, that is called „double encoding”. Regarding verbal means, non-verbal ones can have their own nominative (substitute verbal nomination) and amplified (complement verbal nomination) functions. Emblematic gestures are used in their own nominative and amplified functions (seme 'drink alcohol'). Illustrative gestures are fixed in the amplified function. Among them are pictorial (e.g., semes 'ʻto go here and there without a certain purpose and direction', 'ʻto cut the potatoes with round pieces', 'ʻto make butter', 'ʻto divide the slate'), explanatory (e.g., semes ʻ'to beat', 'ʻto drink alcoholic drinks'), dimensional (e.g., semes 'ʻto eat a lot, above measure', 'eat a little'), indicative (e.g., seme 'ʻto die'), ritual (e.g., seme 'ʻto begin to go (about child)') gestures and gestures with a demonstration (e.g., semes 'ʻto slice a potato', 'ʻto grate beetroot', 'ʻto slice an apple'). Illustrative gestures differ depending on the designated action and may accompany the corresponding full meaning nominative units, adverbs так, о|так, ота|ко, отако-|о, onomatopoeic words.


  • The article is devoted to the study of non-verbal means as a component of dialectal communication

  • Barylova), non-verbal means among the conflicting factors of dialectal communication

  • Liesnova), the analysis of non-verbal means, in particular gestures, of expression of the semantics of Eastern Polissian verbs is not revealed that determines the relevance of this study

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У підсилювальній функції найпоширенішими є зображувальні жести, які дублюють або доповнюють висловлювання, роблять його більш зрозумілим і супроводжують повнозначну номінативну одиницю, напр.: 1) семапересування п’яної людини ногами: [Інф.]: – Шал|таĭ-бал|таĭ // ĭдетту|ди-и / су|ди-и [показує рукою хвилясту лінію] // і |потица ўпа|дет / і |засне // (Шп); 2) семаходити сюди-туди без певної мети й напрямку: [Екс.]: – По селу ото без діла.

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