
Introduction. Coming cardinally the new future products the newest transformations of society, that by the turn, related to the change of cultural kodas, legitimizacieyu of other subcultures and associations, valued changes, and others like that It all predetermines substantial changes in experiencing of the life, psychological prosperity or neblagopoluchchya a man. The problem of subjective prosperity, his influence, on the different aspects of life of personality acquires the special actuality for persons with a homosexual orientation.Purpose - to expose the features of satisfaction life as a constituent of subjective prosperity of persons with a homosexual orientation.Methods. 177 persons which have a permanent habitat on territory Ukraine took part in research. From them a 91 person – men and 86 persons are women, in age from 18 to 50 years. The main rozmezhovuyuchim criterion of selection is a sexual orientation of respondentiv, namely: 63 persons – geteroseksuali (26 men and 37 women), 114 persons – gomoseksuali (65 men and 49 women).Originality. The table of contents of subjective prosperity is made: satisfaction by life, positive and negative emotions. Satisfaction life is by a variable which represents features and level of subjective perception personality of it own life as happy or not happy.After the criterion of satisfaction life is set such levels: and) low – peculiar for the representatives of both groups in an identical degree (about 10%); bi) middle – incident to majority (2/3) of persons with a homosexual orientation and half of persons with a heterosexual orientation; in) high – peculiar 11% respondentiv with homosexual tastes and 35% respondentiv with heterosexual tastes. Mean value of level of satisfaction for persons with heterosexual tastes makes M=6,98 (n=90) life, and for persons with homosexual tastes – M=5,03 (n=90). Thus, respondenti with heterosexual tastes on the whole have a higher level of satisfaction life.Conclusion. Among all respondentiv, the persons of sex of men characterize the life more optimistically. By comparison to women, men are anymore inclined to consider the life near to the ideal, and to consider circumstances more favourable. After the index of general level of satisfaction by life of meaningful differences between persons from gomo- and heterosexual orientations it is not discovered. Consequently, it is possible to assert that sexual tastes of personality are not determining in relation to its general satisfaction by the life.

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