
Intellectual giftedness is considered by many thinkers and scientists throughout the entire period of human development, analyzing and shaping attitudes towards the concepts of «ability» and «giftedness». In modern pedagogical science, the focus remains on identifying giftedness, integrating a gifted personality of a child into the environment of a general educational institution, socializing him in society and creating conditions for the most harmonious development of his giftedness, which will subsequently lead to an increase in the numerical level of gifted people in areas that are of key importance for strategic development of our country. This article analyzes the conditions for the development of an intellectually gifted personality on the basis of a unique for our region institution of the State Autonomous Educational Institution «Governor’s Diversified Lyceum-Boarding School for Gifted Children of the Orenburg Region». The Governor’s Lyceum has more than twenty years of history and experience in working with gifted children. At the same time, the most valuable is the desire of the leadership and the teaching staff to search for and create innovative forms of the comprehensive development of intellectually gifted youth in the face of new challenges of our time. In addition, the article describes the history of the creation and development of this institution with the consolidation of the efforts of the regional Ministry of Education and the Orenburg State University, which may become relevant for colleagues from other regions, in the aspect of creating mechanisms to accompany the development of gifted children and youth in the transition from school level education to professional.

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