
Sex differentiation disorders (SDD) is the discrepancy between the genetic, gonadal and phenotypic sex of the child. Treatment of children with this pathology is a multidisciplinary problem relating to the different aspects of pediatric urology-andrology. The pediatric urologist-andrologist, who, in addition to the pediatric endocrinologist and genetics, examines newborns with sex differentiation disorders in perinatal centers and outpatient department, should be informed about proper diagnostic evaluation of children with such pathology. The presence of ambiguous genitalia requires such measures, as an exclusion of life-threatening conditions associated with virializing congenital adrenal hyperplasia in girls; determination of the chromosomal gender as a basis when choosing a legal gender for a child, the study of the hormonal status at an early age of 3-6 months to determine a prognosis of the gonadal hormonal function, an identification of exact variant of the SDD. Following the diagnostic algorithm at an early age with a proper sequence, patient referring determines the success of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures.

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