
The article presents the results of a long-term analysis of the organization of the crop rotation system, saturated to varying degrees with grain crops in comparison with the permanent cultivation of winter wheat, barley and also permanent clean fallows on the gray forest soil of Kama region of the Republic of Tatarstan. Crop rotations with clean and occupied fallows were studied: pure fallows-winter rye - spring wheat; vetch-oat mixture - winter rye - spring wheat; peas for grain - winter rye - spring wheat. The accounting area of the plots was 800 m2. The experiment was repeated three times; the options were randomized. The experience is based on two backgrounds of fertilizers: medium and high. Fertilizers were calculated by the calculation and balance method for a given yield. For the average background, the given pea yield per grain was 2.0 tons per hectare, vetch-oat mixture per green mass - 20.0 tons per hectare, winter rye - 2.5 tons per hectare. For an increased background, pea yield per grain was set at 3.0 tons per hectare, vetch-oat mixture per green mass - 28.0 tons per hectare, winter rye - 3.0 tons per hectare. A relatively high yield (3.7-3.9 tons per hectare) of pure steam on calculated fertilizer backgrounds was achieved due to uniform seed placement (91.9%), good field germination (85.4-88.4%) and more intensive growth and development of winter rye. However, it should be emphasized that the yield of winter rye in occupied pairs is not inferior to the yield in pure fallows in years with optimal moisture.

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