
The article examines one of the aspects of life and activities of a prominent Siberian gold miner Yakov D. Frizer (1869–1932), Barguzin merchant of the 1st guild, the owner of the majority of private gold mines in Transbaikalia. Yakov Frizer belonged to a special type of Siberian entrepreneurs who had extensive practical experience, understood the needs of the region, implemented various projects for its study, provision of necessary facilities, and economic development, and represented the interests of gold mining both on the regional and on the national level. Frizer’s distinctive features were the spirit of constant innovation and experimentation, proactive attitude to life, desire for professional self-education, and ability to see new opportunities for investing his capital in opposition to the policy of the state authorities who did not know the potential of Siberia well and did not trust the initiatives of Siberian people. Frizer viewed the gold mining in Eastern Siberia not as an independent branch but as a complex industry interconnected with the development of the system of communications, scientific study of gold mining business, and the solution of the issues of legislation, customs policy, planning, technical innovations, the necessary professional training of workers and middle management personnel, the development of domestic Russian mechanical engineering and the related infrastructure. He was not afraid to take risks, investing his funds in the prospecting for new deposits. Through trial and error, he determined the best way of managing and became a pioneer in many endeavors, most of which were crowned with success. The article analyzes Yakov Frizer’s activities on the development of the Barguzin taiga through the prism of private vs. national perception. The emphasis is placed on the transformative role of private initiative in the development of the natural resources of Eastern Siberia, when without any assistance of the state, exemplary enterprises were founded, roads were laid, schools and churches were built, and the foundations for the scientific study of the region’s resources were established. The article is based on the personal archive of Yakov Frizer kept by his descendants in Israel, his articles and books, and the materials from the Russian State Historical Archive.


  • Starting from the 19th century, Siberia was associated with hard labor and exile and with gold

  • In works on the history of Siberian gold mining, almost all researchers agree that given the difficult climatic conditions and remoteness from the center, it can be said that the gold industry became an incentive for the development of Siberia

  • In 1835, military men and civilians were permitted to engage in private gold mining in Siberia, with the exception of those serving in Siberia and their wives

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24 Корреспонденции

Баргузин // Восточное обозрение. – 1897. – 6 августа. – No 93. – С. 3; ЛА. – Тетрадь 2. – Л. 32–34. Сам Фризер отмечал, что в виду особых условий разработки Королонских приисков в отношении отдаленности от жилых пунктов, каменистого грунта, крупного золота и многих других неблагоприятных факторов приходилось увеличивать плату за все работы сверх таксы от 20 до 35 %38. Помещенный здесь перечень необходимых для золотопромышленника документов демонстрирует, сколь велико было приисковое хозяйство, сколько вопросов надлежало решать ежечасно золотопромышленнику: аварии и другие несчастные случаи (вознаграждение потерпевшим); проведение и содержание дорог и горных сооружений; строительство и ремонт построек; содержание казачьей команды и лошадей; организация арестного дома и сопровождения арестантов; винные порции служащим и рабочим; гербовые и судебные пошлины, промысловые и нотариальные расходы; содержание главной конторы, казарм, больницы, аптеки, библиотеки, школы, церкви, метеорологической станции, почты и телефона; организация разведочных работ; дорожные расходы по приезду вновь поступивших служащих и выезду рассчитанных; доставка и пересылка золота; пенсионная касса; подесятинная подать за работающие и неработающие прииски; попудное вознаграждение, аренда и государственные налоги на землю; попечительство; поиски и разведка золота; расчеты со служащими; страхование служащих и рабочих, имущества и товаров; сельское хозяйство: огороды, пашни, полеводство, луга (сенокошение), коневодство, скотоводство; технические и гидравлические сооружения; экстраординарные расходы.

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