
The article is devoted to the memory of Professor Yu. A. Sorokin, his research on the problems of reading in the context of the development of Russian psycholinguistics at the turn of the XX-XXI centuries. The article deals with the problem of the mechanism of continuity of scientific ideas in modern Russian society and the need to update the works devoted to the study of the book as a semantic object, bibliopsychology, and the actual psycholinguistic aspects of the study of the text. The article discusses strategically important directions in the study of reading as a type of speech activity in relation to the generation of millennial students: identifying the real state of affairs with the understanding of the text by generation Z students, studying the psychology of interaction between the student-addressee of the educational scientific text and the author of the textbook; embedding the techniques of understanding the text in university textbooks. The conclusions of the author’s experimental research are presented: comprehension of the educational scientific text by first-year medical students. Prospective research tasks are formulated: the possibility of assessment of the impact of speech difficulties associated with understanding the text on the success (failure) of teaching students of the 1st year; the advisability of monitoring of the effectiveness of teaching of a particular subject, focused mainly on extracting information from the text; the possibility of performing a predictive function of learning success (learning ability) in general on the basis of information about reading strategies.

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