
The article is devoted to the study of legal problems and features of copyright protection as an institution of intellectual property in international private law. The work briefly describes the history of the formation of the protection of intellectual property rights in international private law. It is found out that it begins in the 19th century. The process of the emergence of the World Intellectual Property Organization, which plays a key role in coordinating the adoption of measures for international cooperation in the field of copyright protection, has been outlined. The article analyzes the positions of the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works of 1886 regarding the objects of protected copyright and the Berlin Conference of 1908, during which new provisions were established, such as the term of copyright protection, clear definitions of the concepts of literary and artistic works, etc. The results of the 1967 Stockholm Conference were investigated, in particular about the recognition of the “author’s right to reproduce”, the principle of protecting the personal rights of the author, etc. The difference between the Berne and Geneva conventions is clarified. It is stated that there are two forms of copyright protection: jurisdictional and non-jurisdictional. Within the framework of the jurisdictional form, the essence of the general and special protection procedures is determined. The key rules for resolving conflict issues of regulation of the institution of copyright have been determined. Among them are the rules for recognizing decisions of foreign courts, provisions on the application of law to contractual obligations, etc. The types of copyright infringements on the Internet have been highlighted. Measures to combat copyright infringement on the Internet at the legislative level are considered using the example of France and the United States. The methods of copyright protection on the Internet identified by scientists have been analyzed: limited functionality, the establishment of a kind of «timer”, the use of services of clearing centers, the use of cryptographic envelopes, the use of digital stamps. It is proposed to create an international regulatory framework that would regulate the protection of copyright on the Internet, as well as contain mechanisms for both preventive protection of copyright and protection after the infringement, and their legal regulation.

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