
Creation of plantations of the most popular species of forest berry plants with high nutritional and medicinal value is advisable in connection with the reduction of such natural resources and the increased demand for berry products, as well as for the biological reclamation of depleted peat deposits. The paper shows the research results of clonal micropropagation of forest berry plants (cranberry, American cranberry, half-high blueberry, Arctic bramble, lingonberry, Kamchatka bilberry) of promising cultivars and forms using various types of lighting (white LED lamps, LED lamps with a combination of white, red and blue spectra, as well as white fluorescent lamps). Plants were cultivated using WPM and MS nutrient media with the addition of cytokinins 2-iP and 6-BAP in various concentrations. The largest number (3.3–16.9 pcs) and the maximum total length (13.8–251.1 cm) of microshoots of cranberry (Dar Kostromy cultivar, hybrid form 1-15-635), American cranberry (Ben Lear cultivar, hybrid form 1-23-3), Arctic bramble (Anna cultivar, hybrid form K-1), lingonberry (Kostromskaya rozovaya and Rubin cultivars) and Kamchatka bilberry (Sakhalinskaya and Kurilskaya forms) were observed under lighting by LED lamps with a combination of white, red and blue spectra at the “proper micropropagation” stage. The formation of the largest number (13.1 pcs) and the maximum length (98.7 cm) of microshoots of half-high blueberry (Northblue cultivar, hybrid form 23-1-11) was observed under lighting by white fluorescent lamps. There were no significant differences in biometric parameters of plants under different types of lighting depending on cultivars and forms. The use of LED lamps with a combination of white, red and blue spectra has a significant effect on the formation of microshoots of forest berry plants during clonal micropropagation. For citation: Makarov S.S., Upadyshev M.T., Kuznetsova I.B., Zaushintsena A.V., Kulikova E.I., Surina E.A. The Use of Lighting of Various Spectral Ranges for Clonal Micropropagation of Forest Berry Plants. Lesnoy Zhurnal = Russian Forestry Journal, 2022, no. 6, pp. 82–93. (In Russ.). https://doi.org/10.37482/0536-1036-2022-6-82-93

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