
The article is devoted to the most famous ancient sanctuary of the northern Selkups – Shaman Mountain Lozyl-lakka on Lozyl-to Lake. The purpose of the study is to combine the information available about it in the scientific literature and in the author's field archive and to find out what this object of the sacred landscape is. The research methods were description, semantic analysis and fieldwork. The result of the study was the conclusion that Lozyl-lakka is a family sanctuary, where sacrifices were made to the spirits-masters of the ancestral fishing grounds, on which the success of members of the clan in the trade "depended". The memory of the sanctuary has survived to this day due to its location in a remarkable natural place. It was also found that the sacred mountain serves as an indicator of the state of the modern ethnic identity of the Selkups. It is characterized by the preservation of faith in spirits and strict adherence to a number of traditions that this belief dictates, therefore, the process of transformation of traditional culture into new modern forms among the Selkups, which is ongoing among the northern peoples today, is hampered by the vitality of some elements of this very traditional culture. A separate comprehensive study of the Lozyl-Lakka sanctuary, including the standpoint of the attitude of modern Selkups, constitutes the scientific novelty of the study. The publication of summary data on the sanctuary preserves it as part of the cultural heritage for future generations of Selkups and replenishes the data bank of ethnographic science.


  • Введение Актуальность изучения объектов сакрального ландшафта северных селькупов определяется сегодня происходящим возрождением национальных культур коренных народов Севера

  • The result of the study was the conclusion that Lozyl-lakka is a family sanctuary

  • where sacrifices were made to the spirits-masters of the ancestral fishing grounds

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В рамках этой темы в исследовании будет изложена вся имеющаяся у автора информация о самом известном среди тазовских селькупов священном объекте – Шаман-горе Лозыль-лакка на озере Лозыль-то. Самостоятельного исследования святилище Лозыль-лакка до сих пор не имело и тем более никогда не рассматривалось с ракурса отношения к нему современных селькупов. Д. Селькупы верят, что внутри горы Лозыль-лакка живут лозы (духи). Мужчины приносят жертвы на вершине сопки: кладут на землю куски пищи, льют водку, вешают на деревья приклады, а также одежду больных людей: считается, что, если повесить на священной Лозыль-лакка одежду больного человека, он выздоровеет.

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