
The relevance of the work is due to the interest of the scientific linguistic community in the problem of the manifestation of emotivity among representatives of different nationalities during the creation of travel video blogs. The main purpose of this work is to diagnose emotional characteristics and to make a comparative analysis of the speech manifestation of emotions in Russian and American travel video bloggers. This article presents an experiment that is carried out within the framework of the modified content analysis method in the aspect of hidden pragmalinguistics. During the experiment, some categories of emotions of travel video bloggers were discovered, which were identified based on the frequency of actualization in their texts of some plans of speech strategies of hidden influence. Positive and negative emotions were found among the emotions of Russian travel video bloggers, such as joy, enthusiasm, enthusiasm, indignation, resentment, anxiety. American travel video bloggers expressed positive and neutral emotions in their videos. The following emotions were revealed: satisfaction, inspiration, delight. At the same time, there was a manifestation of confidence. Based on the data obtained, a comparative analysis was conducted, during which it turned out that Russian video bloggers had a gender division in the process of analyzing emotive features, which manifested itself in the fact that men are prone to negative emotivity, whereas women are usually positive. American travel video bloggers did not show any negative manifestations of emotions.

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