
Subject. Anomalies of the dentition and deformities of the dentition in adult patients are often accompanied by disorders in the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). At present, the possibilities of diagnosing TMJ diseases have increased significantly due to the emergence and use of modern instrumental and technical methods. However, data on the optimal choice of research methods, their scope and sequence of execution in patients with TMJ diseases are not presented in the literature. The treatment of patients with dentoalveolar anomalies (DA), combined with functional disorders of the TMJ, according to many authors, presents significant difficulties. Currently, the problem of effective diagnosis of patients with AF and functional disorders of the TMJ remains an urgent problem in dentistry.
 The aim of the study to develop a method for diagnosing patients with AF and functional disorders of the TMJ based on the method of M. Helkimo.
 Methodology. Questioning and clinical examination of 150 patients aged 18–44 years with dentoalveolar anomalies and symptoms of temporomandibular joint dysfunction were carried out. According to the proposed diagnostic method, signs of TMJ dysfunction were determined: articular, muscular, neurological and occlusive. When identifying occlusal and muscle signs of dysfunction, an in-depth study was carried out according to the proposed scheme.
 Results. Own observations and studies have shown that the system of signs of dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint can be used as a scheme for the initial examination of a patient with dento-maxillary anomalies and functional disorders of the TMJ at the dentist's appointment.
 Conclusions. The proposed diagnostic method allows the dentist at the initial appointment, without using additional instrumental diagnostic methods, to determine the amount of necessary research for patients with dento-maxillary anomalies and functional disorders of the TMJ.

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