
Bimetals are in many ways substitutes for scarce metals, while they represent an independent group of materials necessary for the creation of new machines, devices and other various products. The increasing volume of production of bimetals and products made from them requires an increase in their operational characteristics and, accordingly, an increase in the quality of finished products. One of the difficult technological tasks is the connection of aluminum and its alloys with steels of various classes, since there are many problems associated with the quality of the connection of me¬tals with different properties. To improve the reliability and durability of machines and other pro¬ducts made of bimetals, it is necessary to carry out continuous quality control, and the most effective methods are non-destructive testing. Quite promising in terms of simplicity and accessibility is the method of active thermal control, in which the investigated product is subjected to pulsed thermal action by means of a source of thermal loading. The amplitude, shape and time variation of temperature signals serve as informative parameters that allow an operator or an automated system to detect certain defects and evaluate their parameters. With all the availability of pulsed thermal control, the most difficult component is associated with specialized computer programs for processing experimental data and determining the parameters of a delamination defect. The aim of the study is to create a computer model of the thermal state of a bimetallic plate in the presence of an air bubble between the layers and, through computer simulation, to determine the size of defects during active pulse thermal non-destructive testing of steel-aluminum plates. Materials and methods. When performing the work, the methods of mathematical and computer modeling were used. The created software using the development tools of the MATLAB package was based on known methods for obtaining an approximate solution to a boundary value problem on a computer using the finite difference method. Results. A mathematical model has been developed, an algorithm for solving a boundary value problem, and a computer program has been created that allows simulating a pulse thermal control to determine the parameters of a delamination defect in a bimetallic plate. Conclusion. It was found that it is more efficient to measure the temperature difference from the side where the defect is located and the multilayer plate is heated. Heating the plates from the side opposite to the defect and their further cooling showed significantly lower efficiency in terms of obtaining a useful temperature signal. It is shown that in the presence of a defect, the greater the loading heat flux and the defect size, the greater the value of the useful signal determined by the temperature difference on the measured surface.


  • H δ d h III qизл z q изл1. Многослойная пластина, ее основные размеры и выбор системы координат

  • Введение Интенсивное развитие современной техники постоянно требует создания и широкого использования конструкционных материалов со специальными свойствами

  • Форма и изменение во времени температурных сигналов служат информативными параметрами, которые позволяют оператору или автоматической системе обнаруживать те или иные дефекты, а также оценивать их параметры

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H δ d h III qизл z q изл

1. Многослойная пластина, ее основные размеры и выбор системы координат. 1 показана используемая цилиндрическая система координат Orz, причем вертикальная ось Oz совпадает с осью цилиндрического воздушного зазора, а начало координат находится на поверхности верхней стальной пластины. При моделировании теплового состояния многослойной пластины был принят ряд допущений и ограничений. 1. Для температурного поля имеет место осевая симметрия ( dT d 0 ), считаем, что температурное поле нестационарное и двухмерное – T(r, z, τ). 2. Все пластины имеют форму цилиндра радиуса R, причем R H , R h . 4. Отсутствует термическое сопротивление в контакте стальной и алюминиевой пластин. Что контакт между отдельными слоями является идеальным, то есть на границе раздела выполняется равенство температур и тепловых потоков [9]

Ti r r
Коэффициент теплопроводности алюминия
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