
Experts believe that global animal husbandry is an obstacle to the environmental safety. It is estimated that meat and milk production has increased from 758 million tons in 1990 to 1247 million tons in 2020, and continues to grow. At the same time, biogas emitted by animals provides energy for cars and space heating: 7.5 million vehicles in the world run on methane, 27 million on propane-butane. (Research Purpose) The research purpose is studying technological breegin as a factor in producing biogas, an alternative source of renewable energy. (Materials and methods) Carried out an analysis of literature data, theoretical and practical developments of the issue under consideration in the Russian Federation and foreign countries with developed dairy and beef cattle breeding. Methods of creating statistical groupings using system and statistical models, comparison, generalization and analysis of parameters and modes given in scientific and reference literature and obtained in industrial practice were applied. (Results and discussion) It was established that the selection of cattle to increase productivity is also manure breeding: in 1865, a cow gave 40 kilograms of methane per head per year with a productivity of 5,000 kilograms of milk per lactation, with an increase in milk yield to 8-9 thousand kilograms of milk, it produces almost 60 kilograms, that is, several gas cylinders daily. It has been shown that intensive animal husbandry increases not only milk yields and weight gain, but also gas exhaust. It was determined that technological features are taken into account in breeding plans and programs for the development of herds. (Conclusions) It was revealed that under the Kyoto Protocol, through the use of advanced technologies, a number of European countries plan to reduce emissions and become climate neutral in the following periods: Finland by 2035, Sweden by 2045, Germany to reduce emissions by 95 percent by 2049, Russia by 2050.

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