
Opinions of the modern national researchers towards the foreign policy and diplomacy of Napoleon Bonaparte are analized. In Soviet times, the authors of dissertations and monographs about Napoleon's epoch were mainly Russian historians. Moden Ukrainian territories as an object of foreign policy and diplomacy of French Emperor was not considered important and priority though professional level of Ukrainian Soviet researchers allows them to do serious exploration within the designated problem. Since the independence of Ukraine a new phase of development of domestic Napoleon studies has began. Using new methodological approach made it possible to gradually move away from ideological stereotypes, typical for Soviet historiography.Expansion of sources has allowed Ukrainian scientists to explore new directions of Napoleon foreign policy.Involvement material Austrian, French, Polish and other European archives, provided an opportunity to rethink the known facts and reach a new level of research on this issue. However, some authors despite the achievements of modern national historiography, continue to adhere to outdated or frankly mythological beliefs.

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