
The study aimed at identifying the extent to which academic leaders practice ethical leadership from the point of view of faculty members. The study used the descriptive survey method, and the questionnaire as a tool for data collection because it is suitable to the objectives of the study, its methodology, and its society. To answer its questions, the researcher limited the study sample to a simple random sample consisting of (280) participants, with a response rate of 32.4%. The study reached a number of results, the most important of which are: 1. The study sample’s agreement came to a (medium) degree on the academic leaders practice of ethical leadership with regard to the dimension of ethical personal behaviors. 2. The study sample’s agreement came to a (high) degree on the level to which academic leaders practice ethical leadership with regard to the dimension of ethical administrative behaviors. 3. The study sample’s agreement came to a (high) degree on the level to which academic leaders practice ethical leadership with regard to the dimension of human relations behaviors. 4. The study sample’s agreement came to a (high) degree on the level of organizational trust of ethical leadership. 5. There are no differences in the attitudes of the study sample members regarding the dimensions of ethical leadership (ethical personal behaviors, ethical administrative behaviors, the degree to which academic leaders practice ethical leadership) according to the degree variable, and there are differences in the study sample members attitudes about the same dimensions, but according to the variable number of years of service. 6. There are differences in the attitudes of the study sample members about (the level of organizational trust in ethical leadership) according to the educational degree variable, as well as the number of years of service variable.

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