
The aim of the study was to study the effect of various predecessors on the phytosanitary condition of winter barley crops and its yield. The varieties of winter barley Master, Mikhailo, Kozyr, Dobrynya 3, approved for use in the North Caucasus region, were studied. The data obtained showed that winter barley, especially its yield, is highly dependent on its predecessors. Desirable are those predecessors that vacate the field early and provide an opportunity for early soil preparation and sowing at the optimum time. Peas, early potatoes and barley itself are noted as such precursors. These predecessors also increase the field germination of seeds, which amounted to 71.8-79.4%, lower rates were obtained for row crops, which amounted to 62.4-63.6%. It is established that the best technological indicators, ie the number of grains and the weight of the grain of the ear and 1000 grains after such precursors as peas and potatoes were obtained by 11.7%; 2.0 and 14.5%, respectively, and the same figures for corn for grain and sugar beet were minimal. The purest crops are marked by the predecessors of early potatoes, corn for grain and peas. The earlier development of root rot was the predecessor of early potatoes and peas, and the powdery mildew of corn is not grain and peas. The maximum yield was obtained from the predecessor of peas, which amounted to 4,28 t/ha in the winter barley variety Master. The lowest yield was observed in the predecessor of corn for grain in all considered varieties. Based on all indicators, the best precursors for winter barley are peas and early potatoes.

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