
The ratification by Ukraine of the European Charter of Local Self-Government in 1997, and the subsequent creation of the Concept of Reforming Local Self-Government and Territorial Organization of Power in 2014 marked the beginning of a new stage in the development of our state, one of the most important tasks of which was the creation of capable, self-sufficient communities. Therefore, the importance of researching the attitudes of the community population, their perception of the changes that have taken place, ideas and expectations from the reform is unquestionable and necessary at all stages of decentralization and after its implementation. The paper presents the results of a study of the awareness and perception of residents of Kelmenetska and Livynetska territorial communities regarding certain aspects of decentralization processes. The survey involved 630 respondents, and their answers were analyzed according to their gender, age, level of education and the size of the settlements in which they live. The paper analyzes people’s feelings about the changes due to the reform of local self-government and territorial organization of power, and how exactly their lives changed after such changes. The level of awareness of the changes in the administrative-territorial structure of the region that occurred as a result of the consolidation of districts in Chernivtsi region and the formation of united territorial communities, including Kelmenetska and Livynetska within the former Kelmenetskyi district, whose residents are the respondents themselves, was determined, and their relationship was analyzed in relation to such division. The level of respondents’ willingness to take direct part in the development of their territorial community was determined. As a result of the conducted research, it was discovered, that the residents of Kelmenetska and Livynetsk communities have a high level of awareness of the administrative and territorial changes to which the reform has led. A significant number of the population did not feel the effect of bringing the authorities closer to the people and transferring budgets to the localities. On the other hand, residents of the studied communities show a significant level of social awareness and have a high level of readiness to participate in the development of their own community.

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