
The author focuses on the idea that the new discourse of conflict characterizes the modern political space. Two main features characterized current crises in political relations inside and outside the countries. Firstly, social divisions that destroy the integration of national communities. Secondly, discursive conflicts, characterized by the opposite narratives and mutual bitterness of cosmopolitans and communitarians. These new patterns are the serious threat to social unity and democracy. Modern researchers see a danger in the new phenomena of the moralization of politics, the politicization of science and social polarization. Were marked as challenges in an era of uncertainty and anxiety. They are divided by the relations to the crucial issues such as: the limits of the open society (preservation or devaluation of borders); national sovereignty and the rights of minorities; climate changes (environment protection, restrictions for the industries), etc. Young urban citizens with higher education demonstrates cosmopolitan values. They do not identify themselves as social losers and use a globalization as an opportunity for development. They are those who identify themselves as Europeans and citizens of the world. The less educated social group of elders, living in rural areas, is firmly connected with their local and national communities and perceives the increasing of freedom as a threat to themselves. Even though citizens with communitarian positions constitute a heterogeneous group with a diverse socio-economic profile, all of its representatives share one common feature: the subjective perception of the danger of living in precarious conditions or lose their social status. The vertical conflict is between the cosmopolitan elites (with their privileged positions) and the communitarians. Stigmatization of elites as «anti-national», «immoral», and self-serving has become a typical device in the struggle of right-wing populist parties and voter support movements. These new patterns are marked as a threat to social cohesion and democracy. Researchers see a danger in the new phenomena of the moralization of politics, the politicization of science and social polarization. They are the main riscs in an era of uncertainty, uncertainty and anxiety.

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