
The purpose and objectives of the study. In terms of Polissia, Polissia-Forest-steppe and Forest-steppe ecotopes therewere found out the the possibility of enhance relationships and achievements of biocenotical additive effect in the case of introduction of complex breeding phosphate mobilizing and nitrogen-fixing microorganisms (by means of inoculation) in system "rhizosphere microorganisms- plants tribe Triticeae."Methods. Field, laboratory, statistical methods and method of the ecosystem approach.Results. Sensitivity cultivars of triticale, wheat, rye winter in pre-sowing seed inoculation of nitrogen-fixing bacteria Azospirillum brasilense (diazobacteryn) and Agrobacterium radiobacter 204 (diazofit) and phosphate mobilizing microorganisms of Achromobacter album 1122 (albobacteryn) and Bacillus polymyxa KB (polimiksobacteryn) in a Polissia, Polissia-Forest-steppe and Forest-steppe ecotopes. It was found that the sensitivity of wheat genotypes under conditions of mild winter Polissia ecotypes depends on belonging to particular genotype specific ecotypes. There were established that genotype of wheat and triticale Л 3946/96, Chaian (P = 0.95) respond to polimiksobacteryn effect only in terms Polissia and Polissia-Forest-steppe ecotopes. All tested genotypes of winter triticale and winter rye sensitive to microbial agents as Polissia, Polissia-Forest-steppe and Forest-steppe ecotopes. The impact of bio-agents microbial preparations causes additive effect, which is the fuller disclosure of the tribe Triticeae plant capacity and increase their productivity by improving plant nutrition necessary nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus).Conclusions. In conditions of Polissia, Forest-Steppe and Polissia-Forest-Steppe ecotopes – there were established the possibility of amplification relations and achieving of biocenotic additive effect in the case of the introduction of comprehensive and phosphate mobilizing there have been accumulated nitrogen-fixing microorganisms (by inoculation) in the "micro rhizosphere soil-plant tribe Triticeaе». It was found that the additive effect is to increase the productivity phytocenoses representatives of the tribe Triticeaе.

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