
The results of the inventory of historical collections in the herbarium of the National Forestry University of Ukraine (LWFU), where the collections of educational institutions that were precursors of NLTU – National Forestry School, Higher Regional Forestry School, and Forestry Faculty of the Lviv Polytechnic. The herbarium funds keep historical collections of Austro-Hungarian and Polish botanists and exsicates from the delectus of many scientific institutions in the world, among them – samples from the collection “Herbarium de Cuba. Estacion Central Agronomica”, “Herbarium of Charles K.Dodge. Port Huron. Michigan”, “Herbarium Gustav Muller. Basel», «Herbier du Musee de Lausanne (Suisse)», «Flora Bohemica. Dresden», «Flore de France. Herbier J. Ivolas”, “North American Plants. Collected in the District of Columbia” etc. A special part of the Herbarium LWFU are separately kept authentic collection, which is one of the distinguishing features of our Herbarium. Among them, the most valu­able are the collections of W. Szafer, S. Sokołowski, B. Błocki, W. Tyniecki, S. Tołpa, S.Wierdak, V. Sukachev. Among the recent acquisitions it is worth to mention collections of V. Kolischuk (the Carpathians), S. Shevchenko (the Crimea, the Carpathians), O. Buteyko (Roztocze), H. Lukaschuk (the Carpathians), A. Wozniak (Roztocze, Madeira) M. Soroka (Roztocze, Podole, Polesie, the Carpathians, Central and Southern Europe) T. Prykladivska (the Crimea, the Carpathians), I. Danylkiv (Roztocze) and others. Very valuable is the collection from Roztocze, as NLTU, and especially the Department of botany, conducts a significant part of research in Roztocze, has training bases for students and for foreign scientific institutions in this region. One of those collections is a small but well-maintained collection from the University arboretum of Professor Władysław Tyniecki (1833–1912), which was run by the High Polish School of Forestry – the predecessor of the National Forestry University of Ukraine (LWFU). Professor studied samples of 33 species of woody plants collected in botanical gardens and in the city of Krakow in the period from 1875 to 1898. Today, 37 objects in this collection with the signature of Professor Władysław Tyniecki on the labels were examined and digitized. The collection is of very high scientific, botanical and historical values and is one of the Herbarium treasures of.

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