
The aim of the research is to present an organisational-measuring and career guidance tool for organising a mathematical olympiad in the remote format to the pedagogical community. The scientific novelty of the research lies in implementing the idea of synthesising the career guidance and control-forming nature of the developed web resource. The paper focuses on a number of topics from the school mathematics course, the knowledge of which is the basis for the successful completion of test tasks. The technical tools underlying the creation of web application attributes have been described and the software requirements have been specified. Access to parts of the application has been determined depending on the user’s status. Detailed instructions to ensure correct operation of the application aimed at schoolchildren have been developed. The created web application allows conducting subject olympiads for schoolchildren and also suggests the possibility of further additions and modifications. As a result, the researchers have created a resource the functionality of which is aimed both at increasing schoolchildren’s motivation of studying mathematics and at attracting potential applicants to the main university training programmes.

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