
The article is devoted to highlighting the problem of consolidating the position of the European Union and the United States in the context of the scaling of Russian aggression against Ukraine. The research is focused on the analysis of the peculiarities of the process of evolution of relations between the European Union and the United States regarding the development trends of the European and world security systems. The attempts of the Russian Federation and China to destroy the Euro-Atlantic unity of democratic states in order to create the prerequisites for the emergence of a «multipolar» system of international relations are shown. The methodological basis of the article rests on the principles of systematic research of the modern history of international relations. Historical-genetic, comparative, descriptive methods are used. The theoretical foundations of the article are the conceptual approaches of the theory of democratic peace (idealistic intentions to create a world safe for democracy) in discourse with the theory of neorealism in international relations. The scientific novelty of the study consists in monitoring the development trends of relations between the European Union and the United States under the crisis conditions of the formation of a «multipolar» system of international relations. Conclusions. Russian revanchism, aimed at revising the parameters of the world order after the Cold War, focused on the split between the EU and the USA. This was a prerequisite for achieving the desired result for the Kremlin. The closest the Russian Federation came to solving this problem was during the presidency of D. Trump. The pandemic gave the Kremlin reason to hope that Ukraine would not receive direct large-scale Western aid in the event of the escalation of aggression. This challenge has become essential for Euro-Atlantic liberal democracies. Faced with this trend, the Russian Federation chose the tactics of a war of attrition. This factor increased the value of Euro-Atlantic solidarity as a factor in the victory of democracy over authoritarianism.

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