
The study aim to purpose of the research is to develop a historical periodization of the participation of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine in countering Russian aggression in 2014 – at the beginning of 2018. Research methodology relies on a complex of methods: his- torical and systemic; problem-chronological; historical and comparative. When establishing his- torical periodization, appropriate temporal terminology related to the category «historical time» and tested in modern historical science was used. Th e scientifi c novelty consists in the fi rst comprehensive study of historical periodization in Ukrainian historiography, which combines the main stages of the participation of border units in countering russian aggression in 2014 – early 2018. According to the authors, the proposed historical periodization is able to form an appropriate scientifi c basis for further military historical research aimed at revealing the place and role of the border department of Ukraine in countering Russian aggression in the period 2014-2018. Conclusions. Th e participation of bodies (subdivisions) of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine in countering Russian aggression within the chronological limits of 2014 – the beginning of 2018 is expedient to divide into three historical periods, which diff er in the purpose, nature, and content of the operational-service and service-combat activities of the border units, and as well as military and political consequences for Ukraine. Th e specifi ed historical periods provide an opportunity to demonstrate the border agency’s ability to perform various tasks of a law enforcement and military nature, quickly reacting to changes in the situation in the area of responsibility, which brought positive results in the protection of the Ukrainian-Russian section of the state border of Ukraine and strengthening of national security.

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