
Statement of the problem. The timeliness and relevance of this article is dictated by the fact that since the independence of Ukraine, systematic and purposeful displacement of minority languages has been carried out. In recent years, laws have been adopted that seriously infringe on the linguistic rights of national minorities, which have caused protests and indignation among minorities. The timeliness and relevance of this article is dictated by the fact that in recent years the level of proficiency in the language of minorities by the native speakers has been declining. Questions arise: What is the reason? What measures are needed? Which body is responsible for the preservation and development of minority languages? This scientific article is devoted to the following languages of national and ethnic minorities of Ukraine: Gagauz language, Crimean Tatar language, and German language. The purpose of the article is to study the extent to which minority languages are used in various fields; identify problems that exist in the areas of use of the above languages, for example, in education and in mass media; study the measures taken by Ukraine to protect the Gagauz language, the Crimean Tatar language, and the German language. This article demonstrates the role of public organizations in the preservation and protection of the Gagauz, Crimean Tatar and German languages. The research methodology (materials and methods) is based on private (descriptive) and statistical methods of linguistics. The material for writing this article was the reports of Ukraine (third and fourth) on the fulfillment of obligations arising from the European Charter of Regional or Minority Languages of 1992, normative legal acts of Ukraine, special reports of the United Nations, scientific articles by domestic and foreign authors, and static data of public authorities. The results of the study. The analysis of the study of the state of the languages of national and ethnic minorities and their spheres of application showed that in the future, the process of preserving the languages of national minorities will depend on the importance that states, public organizations and native speakers themselves attach to their native language. It goes without saying, Ukraine, its state bodies, public organizations are taking measures to preserve and develop minority languages, however, today the main problem of minority languages in Ukraine, in addition to insufficient funding, is uneven use in education and the media. Conclusion. The minority language, being the most important tool for the preservation and development of identity in society, a factor of social cohesion and stability, occupies a central position in human activity in Ukraine. Issues related to the linguistic rights of national and ethnic minorities on the territory of states are of paramount importance. The state authorities of Ukraine fulfill their international obligations under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages ​​of 1992, cooperate with other states on the preservation and development of minority languages.

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