
The results of archaeological works carried out in 2017 at the Priyut Sukacheva 2 site (Irkutsk) and analysis of the Mesolithic stone industry are presented. During the excavation, we uncovered the Pleistocene and Holocene deposits and identified two cultural layers. Mixed and poorly informative materials were found in the 1th layer, which is dated, in accordance with the ceramics, to a wide period from Neolithic to the Middle Ages. The most interesting finds of this layer are a flint zoomorphic figurine and a sandstone bait fish. The most representative is the collection of the 2nd layer. Three fireplaces made of pebbles were found here, which were severely destroyed because of cryogenic processes at the end of the Early – beginning of the Middle Holocene. The collection includes almost 6 thousand finds, among which were noted: debitage, cores and precors, end-scrapers (the most numerous category), incisors, borers, points, combined and notched tools, abrasive tools, preforms of tools, a knife, a side-scraper, pebbles and pieces of rock. The collection also consist of a few faunal remains (Equus ferus, Cervidae and ungulates). According to the specificity of lithic assemblage and the presence of large fireplaces, we can assume that there was a short-term settlement of hunter-gatherers. Here, the primary stone knapping was carried out, that indicated by the finds of cores, precors, flakes, and pieces of rock. Along with this, intensive economic activities were carried out, which was probably associated with various works on skin dressing, processing bone and wood. Despite of the lack of radiocarbon dates, the lithic assemblage of the 2nd layer is sufficiently expressive for a detailed comparison with materials from other sites. As a result of the collection analysis, the greatest similarity with the Late Mesolithic complexes of the Lisikha site, located on the opposite bank of Angara river, was found. Both sites have a similarity in the preferences of the inhabitants in the choice of raw materials (mudstone), the shape of cores and tools, and the stratigraphic position of the archaeological materials. Taking into account all the data, the age of complexes from the 2nd layer at the Priyut Sukacheva 2 site should be determined by the Final Mesolithic (~9.5–8.5 ka cal BP). The results of stratigraphic analysis do not contradict these conclusions.

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