
The article pays special attention to the clothing of the peasant population in the second half of the XIX – first half of the XX centuries on the territory of the Ryazan and Orel provinces. Many aspects that relate to the traditional costume of the Bryansk and Ryazan regions remain undisclosed today. The study allows us to trace the study of ethnographic material, which is extremely relevant for individual territories. The uniqueness of this work lies in basing the material on the personal correspondence of two ethnographers who made expeditions to the above-mentioned areas at different times. These ethnographic studies do not contradict, but complement each other, which makes it possible to create a more complete description and analysis of the peasant costume complex. The fund R-6710 of the State Archive of the Ryazan Region (GARO) has not previously been marked by the attention of researchers and is being introduced into scientific circulation for the first time. In the course of the research, the method of content analysis was used, as well as the method of comparison when studying the material delivered by N.I. Lebedeva in the 1920s. In the course of the work, a typological method was used. As a result, it was concluded that this source is important due to its informative nature. The letters reveal personal issues and can serve as important materials to fill in the blank spots in the biography of researchers. As a result of the work, it is possible to reconstruct the appearance of the peasants of the Bryansk and Ryazan regions in the first half of the XX century.

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