
Actual problems of origin, formation, anthropogenic transformation and disappearance modern geosystems between Western Bug, Rata and Solokiya rivers are considered. Special attention devoted to formation conditions research of Yastrubetska Delta as uncharacteristic for region of the Western Bug river valley. Even a hundred years ago in the delta numbering over 80 separate branches and ducts that meandering in unstable sandy sediments, wetlands overgrown by willow and alder areas, not typical for Polissya rivers. Based on retrospective-geographic analysis of literature and cartographic sources of the XVIII–XX centuries are traced stages of the Yastrubetska delta geosystems development and surrounding landscapes of between-river basin. In the first part of the article processed and commented the works of famous Polish scientists A. Reman and M. A. Lomnytskyi that focus on detailed analysis of that time environmental conditions of the study area, functioning, dynamics and Yastrubetska delta river valley geosystems development. The Austrian maps of the First (1779–1783) and Second (1819–1820) topographical snapshots, compiled during the realization of the Josephine and Franciscan metrics, were analyzed. Topographic maps processing of the first two of the five historical and geographical sections made it possible to consider the conditions of small-Polissya landscapes development in the second half of the XVIII – the first half of the ХІХ century. Also interpret the probable directions of surface waters runoff and dominant air flows in the post-glacial period and in the process of formation of river valleys. Key words: landscape, river valley, delta, between rivers areas.

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