
Uryupin Igor Sergeevich – Ph. D. of philology, professor of Russian literature dpt. Moscow Pedagogic State University. Abstract . The article in the cultural and philosophical, historical and literary context examines the theme of «coming God» that has in post-revolutionary poetry by I.A. Bunin and S. Behteev special spiritual and moral significance. Identified by the author of the article the mythopoetic constants (motifs, figurative plot, universals, ideologies) organize artistic and ontological space of the Russian literature in the early XXth century, the representativeness of the work of the two brightest representatives of «spiritual realism». Poetic micro- and macrocosm of I.A. Bunin and S. Behteev – artists, rooted in the same physical (Orel-Elets, and even Paris) and metaphysical (ChristianOrthodox) «soil» is inextricably linked to the ontology and axiology of the New Testament. Through the prism of biblical images the poems of I.A. Bunin and S. Behteev often disclose crucified Motherland, tormented by pangs of godparents, the redeeming blood and sins of the people. It is no coincidence that I.A. Bunin and S. Behteev’s poetry reflects the image of «the coming God» as the embodiment of the moral and ethical of the Absolute with which people can existence. The epithet «future» rather multi-valued and extremely myth suggestive, at the same time points to the «walking» on the crucifixion of Christ the Savior, and «future» court, which is relied on by lyrical characters in poems by I.A. Bunin and S. Behteev, thirsting in exile in a foreign land moral support and reliable spiritual guide. Such guide for many Russian emigrants was «Coming God», who was inevitably to win «Coming Ham (son of Noah)». Key words : I.A. Bunin, S.S. Behteev, spiritual realism, God-seeking motives in Russian literature, mythopoetics, ideologem, artistic universal .

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