
The article examines the research of famous Ukrainian scientist Yuri Shevelov developing Ukrainian studies associations in period of emigration after World War II, when Ukrainian novelists were united in Ukrainian Аrt Movement (1945-1948). The attention is focused on those meetings which have been arranged by Shevelov and his confederates for the unification of different segments of Ukrainian creative intelligentsia in difficult conditions that were caused by emigration from the motherland. During those years, the scientist was considering questions among the important problems of Ukrainian studies about originality of Ukrainian literature, emigration purpose, provinciality and the methods of its overcoming. It is proved that the concept of national organic style, as a constant of Ukrainian literary and artistic life, was extremely important in the scientist's views. Yuri Shevelov made its main provisions like one of the leading ideologists of Ukrainian Аrt Movement during the existence of this association. The original idea of national organic style had caused the rejection from some part of Ukrainian emigrants and led to a boisterous discussion where there were considered important questions about Ukrainian originality of national literature and its place in European and world culture. The article highlights the essence of discrepancy of views on national organic style between Yuri Shevelov and his opponents. The most famous of them was Volodymyr Derzhavin. There is an emphasis that Ukrainian Аrt Movement went beyond just literature organization due to Shevelov's efforts. It had opened not only a grand literature, but even publishing and research activities and became an important branch in the history of Ukrainian literature in a relatively short period of time.

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