
The ultra-low birth rate in modern society is the leading cause of depopulation. Changing the standard of youth sexual behavior should be regarded as one of the main ways to preserve the reproductive potential and social stability of the state. The development of methods of preventive work on the formation of health-saving behavior in the reproductive sphere in most works concerns girls. The absence of a socio-hygienic model for the formation of health-saving behavior in the reproductive sphere among young men was the rationale for the development of such a model by the specialists of the children’s polyclinic. The purpose of this work was to present the experience of developing and implementing a socio-hygienic medical-organizational technology for the formation of health protection in young men in the reproductive sphere. Results. The rationale for the development of a socio-hygienic model was the results of a preliminary medical and sociological study – a survey of young men and their parents: a high proportion of sexually active young men with an early sexual debut, using unprotected intercourse, the prevalence of promiscuity against the background of a low level of knowledge about reproductive health, motivation for health protection in the reproductive sphere and the insufficient role of the family in the issues of sexual education of adolescents; a high level of agreement among the parents of young men about the need to involve competent specialists, doctors and psychologists, in the systematic and planned work on the sexual education of their sons. The social and hygienic model was developed on the basis of an interdepartmental and interprofessional approach with the participation of children’s polyclinic doctors, teachers, psychologists and social workers. Structurally and functionally, the model corresponds to the educational cluster, assumes a stage-by-stage implementation of activities, and includes as the main component the innovative educational program “Young Gentleman’s School” within the framework of the School of Reproductive Health for Boys, implemented on the basis of secondary schools territorially attached to the children’s polyclinic. Participation in the program of the School of Reproductive Health for Boys during one academic year was accompanied by an increase in the level of knowledge about reproductive health and a ranked level of motivation of adolescents to preserve health in the reproductive sphere, a smaller increase in the proportion of sexually active boys and a relative increase in those who use protected sexual intercourse among them. Conclusion. The development and implementation of a social and hygienic model for the formation of health savings in the reproductive sphere among young men and the implementation of the innovative educational program “Young Gentleman’s School” are medical and organizational technology for managing health savings in this area. Increasing the level of motivation of young men to preserve reproductive health through obtaining reliable and complete information from competent specialists – a pediatric urologist-andrologist and a psychologist, contributes to the formation of health-saving sexual behavior.

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