
The initiatives of the Kyoto Protocol, the Paris Convention on Climate Change 2015, the X Prize Prize Fund for Revolutionary Innovation and the announcement by Grand Elon Musk of the invention of the best carbon capture technology with a total budget of $ 100 million suggest that air absorption from carbon. In our opinion, the use of biological photosynthetic crops and technological solutions based on them, which will ensure the absorption of carbon dioxide, is a great prospect, as this process has already changed the Earth's atmosphere in the distant past. In addition, the use of plants will not only absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, but also obtain additional raw materials rich in hydrocarbons and lipids, as well as generate oxygen. This technological solution to the problem of the presence of greenhouse gases establishes the feasibility of using the process of growing unicellular microalgae in photoreactor systems. Energy and technical and economic indicators of functioning of carbon dioxide utilization systems on the basis of standard approaches are determined. The need to create a system of automatic analysis of the state of culture based on the use of artificial intelligence and systems of automatic pattern recognition has been identified. The necessity of integration of the heat accumulator into the structure of the photoreactor for smoothing of daily temperature differences (which in turn minimized energy consumption) and systems of additional lighting and mixing is proved. A number of own designs of photoreactors and further ways of their modernization on use of polymeric films for isolation of working space of photoreactors for the purpose of avoidance of infection of culture are offered.

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