
The aim of this article is to identify the linguocultural specificity of the content of lexical markers of freedom in Slavic languages (fixed in the dictionary definitions) as well as their discursive interpretation in Slavic legal texts to establish the factors of composition formation and functioning principles of the lexical markers of freedom as a discourse-forming semantic dominant of legal texts. The authors analyse the lexical markers of freedom in Slavic languages and in the texts of Constitutions as main legal documents of Slavic states. The analysis engages the linguistic and discursive meanings of lexical units ‘pravo’, ‘svoboda’ and their semantic and word-formative correlates as the mediums of the concept “freedom”, which is discourse forming for legal texts. The lexical content of the units ‘pravo’ and ‘svoboda’, fixed in the dictionaries of Slavic languages, is compared with their discursively conditioned content. The results of the analysis show that the composition and functioning of the lexical markers of freedom as a discourse-forming semantic dominant of legal texts in Slavic linguocultures is determined by the discursive-genre specificity of legal texts, their national legal culture, and language features. In this respect, the discursive conditioning of the functioning of markers of freedom plays a leading role. Other grounds are subject to it and are realized in accordance with the purpose of the discourse. The analysis contributes to solving the problem of institutional discourse formation and, specifically, their linguocultural and socio-cultural conditioning.

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