
Object. Catarrhal gingivitis treatment of patients was accompanied by marginal gingiva cytological examination. The number of epithelial and connective tissue cells was calculated. Then, their cytomorphometry was held with both: the definition of morphological classes of cell destruction and measurements of their functional morphology in the average cell destruction (ACD), cell cytolysis index (CCI), cell destruction index (CDI). Purpose. To conduct the cytomorphometry of periodontal tissue cells before treatment and during the treatment of patients with chronic catarrhal gingivitis. Methodology. The prevalence of the inflammatory process in the gingiva was estimated with the help of periodontal PMA index and the gingival sulcus bleeding index (sbi) by Miihlemann and Son. The Green-Vermillion hygienic index was determined. For cytological examination, the material was collected by cytochrome on fat-free surface of glass in the form of a single scrape from the marginal gingiva inflammation site. The place of sampling was not changed throughout the study. The resulting material was fixed on the glass and transferred to the cytological laboratory. Then the material was examined with a microscope in five fields of view under magnification. Result statistical processing was carried out in Statistika 6.0 programme. Results. In cytogram study for patients with healthy periodontium there were noted in a small number: lymphocytes (36±14), monocytes (6±1,87), plasmocytes (4±1,87), macrophages (1±1), neutrophils 96±29,89; for patients with chronic catarrhal gingivitis: lymphocytes 4150±108.1, neutrophils 1150±356,8, plasmocytes 60±16,6, macrophages 48,3±6,35, monocytes 21,6±2,5. Lymphocytes, macrophages and neutrophils reflect the change in clinical observation most clearly, as their number decreased to 14.5%, 12.8% and 7.32%, respectively within 14 days. Summary. Cytomorphometry of marginal gingiva cells was performed in the process of catarrhal gingivitis treatment. This method is informative for evaluation of periodontal tissues inflammatory process. It can be used for rapid diagnosis of periodontal disease, determining the effectiveness of treatment, prognosis of exacerbation. It is worth noting that the method is cheap and easily accessible.


  • Catarrhal gingivitis treatment of patients was accompanied by marginal gingiva cytological examination

  • their cytomorphometry was held with both: the definition of morphological classes

  • The prevalence of the inflammatory process in the gingiva was estimated with the help of periodontal PMA index

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Хирургическая стоматология Surgical dentistry

Цель исследования — определение количественного и качественного состава клеток тканей пародонта до и в процессе лечения пациентов с хроническим катаральным гингивитом. Критерием включения пациентов в исследования был верифицированный диагноз «хронический катаральный гингивит», критериями исключения: наличие ортопедических конструкций, количество удаленных зубов более двух, беременность, климактерический синдром, алкогольная и наркотическая зависимости, соматические заболевания в стадии декомпенсации. У пациентов же с имеющимся катаральным гингивитом в 0 точке забора количество нейтрофилов и лимфоцитов составляет 4150±108,1 и 1150±356,8 соответственно, что подтверждает бактериальное и пролиферативное воспаление и говорит об активации факторов неспецифического и специфического иммунитета в тканях пародонта. На 1 контрольной точке лечения после проведения профессиональной гигиены полости рта и назначения противовоспалительной и антибактериальной местной терапии количество лимфоцитов резко снизилось до 165,5±135 (в 7,32 раза) и дальше продолжило свое снижение, но уже не так выраженно: на 7-й день — до 130±50,3 и на 14-й — до 157,5±113,3. Остальные показатели уменьшились в 1,23—2,29 раза па контроля 1 месяц Группа контроля

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