
Relevance: in modern conditions, teachers are actively involved in the creation of electronic textbooks, interactive notebooks, various forms and test tasks, etc. All this means developing and designing objects of the Internet information environment from the standpoint of user-friendliness and meeting the user's aesthetic needs. The web design competence development of teaching staff at vocational education institutions is an urgent need in the context of digitalisation of education. Aim: defining the structure of competence in web design for teaching staff of vocational education institutions and substantiating the methodology for its development. Methods: analysis and synthesis – to determine the development state of the problem under study and the list of competence in web design of teaching staff; generalization – to formulate conclusions and recommendations for the web design competence development of teaching staff at vocational education institutions; diagnostic (testing, conversation) – to find out the level of competence in web design of teaching staff. Results: it was found that more than 17% of teachers design and create websites and web pages that combine text with sounds, pictures, graphics and video; 5-7% use various graphic editors and image processing services; about 80 % of respondents carry out independent design development of electronic publications (a product containing information in electronic form); less than 6 % of respondents indicated that there is a unified approach to the design of educational materials on hard copy and for posting on the Internet. The structure of competence in web design for teaching staff of vocational education institutions consists of technical skills (basics of composition, typography, colour science, graphic design, design software, user interface (UI), user experience (UX), responsive design) and soft skills (project management, time management, copywriting, web design awareness, creative thinking, critical thinking, attention to detail, communication, self-reflection). To assess this competence, four levels (initial, low, medium, high) have been developed, taking into account the indicators of motivational, cognitive, activity and reflective criteria. Taking into account the specifics of the teaching staff activities at vocational education institutions, a methodology for their design education has been developed, which is aimed at developing competence in web design and includes seven stages. Conclusions: Teaching staff of vocational education institutions are involved in the development of e-learning content, but have a low level of competence in web design. The web design competence of a teaching staff member of a vocational education institution is a combination of knowledge, skills and attitudes to web design technologies to create educational content for performing tasks, solving problems, communicating, managing information, working together in the information and educational environment of a vocational education institution, doing it effectively, appropriately, safely, critically, creatively, independently and ethically. At the same time, the teacher does not have to be a web designer, he/she uses the tools and ready-made algorithms of the services he/she works with, the basis of his/her training in this field is graphic design, typography, copywriting, etc. for the effective presentation of electronic content.

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