
The article analyzes the potential of interaction between policy and management in the field of culture based on the experience of organizing and implementing cultural projects by the European Union. The purpose of the article is to analyze the EU experience in organizing and implement- ing the policy of developingthe common cultural space. Historical, systematic, comparative and typological methods of analysis are used. The main conclusions are: European Union culture managerial experience demonstrates certain productive results as well as the possibilities of optimizing the activities of the relevant institutes, methods and mechanisms for the implementation of cultural policy. This productivity is determined by an effort to maintain a correlation between the theoretical and practical levels of political activity in the field of culture and, therefore, through specific programs, to support and develop all sectors of culture.


  • В В well-known, especially in European practices and principles and the realities of managerial practice are actively being developed

  • Modern processes of cultural transformation and the of governance in this area, as well as international preservation of the human potential of social development cooperation that directly or indirectly influences the necessarily demand the availability of political tools, both at democratization of public administration in the cultural the theoretical and methodological levels

  • The search for the definition of cultural policy is of view, the most productive was the instrumental approach characterized by attempts to combine the multiplicity of to cultural and political activity

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Збірник наукових праць

EUROPEAN CULTURAL POLICY AND CULTURE MANAGEMENT DEVELOPMENT OF A COMMON EUROPEAN CULTURAL SPACE. Чо ки е The experience of the European Union justify that the efи ь н fectiveness of cultural policy depends directly on the quality of managerial efforts, which include, in particular, the selection of вн ївс ія such forms and mechanisms that are most appropriate for their с social cost and results This social price is determined by the а и р ability to raise the level of mutual understanding and consolidaид "К е tion of the members of the European community

The priorities of European Union cultural policy are
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