
Within the framework of this article, the Finnish experience of using virtual reality in teaching a foreign language to future nurses is considered. Immersion in the language environment is a well-established method of teaching a foreign language for a long time. To date, the KulttuuriOsaaja (“Cultural Expert”) project has been launched in Finland, implemented by the University of Oulu and the universities of applied sciences in Lapland. As part of the implementation of this project, a virtual reality simulation game was developed based on the use of online speech recognition technologies. The aim of the work was to study the Finnish experience of using the game-simulator of virtual reality in the process of language training of students studying in the specialty “nurse”. As a method, a logical analysis of general scientific literature and primary sources was used. The author comes to the conclusion about the relevance of using this technology in education in the modern period, since it contributes to the integration of general education and professional training of students and the formation of professional competencies of a future medical specialist. At the same time, such simulation games can be used in teaching students of any other specialties, which requires a good command of any foreign language.

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