
<h2>RESEARCH OF ANTIHYPERTENSIVE MEDICINESʼ ASSORTMENT WHICH ARE PRESENTED IN PHARMACEUTICAL MARKETS OFUKRAINEANDPOLAND</h2><h2>N.Yu. Poluychak, M.B. Demchuk, O.О. Yurуeva<sup>1</sup>, T.A. Groshovyi,</h2><h2>SHEI «TernopilStateMedicalUniversityby I.Ya. Horbachevsky»</h2><h2><sup>1</sup>JSC «Farmak»</h2><h2>Summary. The article analyzes the antihypertensive medicinesʼ assortment which is presented in the pharmaceutical markets ofUkraineandPoland. Assortment policies of pharmaceutical manufacturers of antihypertensive drugs, diuretics, b-adrenergic blockers, calcium antagonists, drugs that affect the renin-angiotensin system are analyzed.</h2><h2>Key words: hypertension, pharmaceutical market ofUkraine, pharmaceutical market ofPoland, antihypertensive medicines.</h2><p> </p><p><strong>Introduction. </strong>Diseases of the cardiovascular system (CAS) are the leader in the structure of morbidity and mortality in the adult population of highly developed countries. Among pathology of CAS the most common is arterial hypertension (AH), which is found in 15-20% of adults in industrialized countries and is recognized as a chronic no communicable disease. Despite the global nature of the prevalence of hypertension, certain regions of the world differ greatly on this indicator. AG has acquired a large spread in the European Region.</p><p> All classes of antihypertensive agents recommended by the European Society of Cardiology and the Society for AH (2003), US Joint National Committee (7th revision, 2003) and Ukrainian Society of Cardiology (2004) as first-line drugs in the treatment of hypertension, almost equally reduce blood pressure. It is well known that such pharmacological groups that can be used as part of a monotherapy and in combination therapy include the following drugs: diuretics; angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors; calcium channel blockers; angiotensin II receptor antagonists; β-blockers. The group of second-line drugs is forming alpha 1-blockers; Rauvolfia alkaloids; central α2-agonists; imidazoline receptor agonist drugs.</p><p> The purpose of this study is to<strong> </strong>study the assortment medicines for the treatment of hypertension, which are available to consumers onUkraine by comparison with an assortment of antihypertensive drugs, which are represented in the pharmaceutical market inPoland.</p><p> <strong>Methods.</strong> Analysis of the assortment of drugs that are presented in the domestic pharmaceutical market conducted under Ukrainian State Register of medicines. For the study of current state of the Polish market of antihypertensive agents, the Polish State Register of medicines and official website http://pharmindex.pl, http://leki-informacje.pl., is applied.</p><p> <strong>Results and discussion</strong>. According to the State Register of medicines ofUkraine by January2015, a group of antihypertensive drugs consists of more than 790 drugs. The antihypertensive agentsʼ group represented more than 940 drugs on the Polish pharmaceutical market. According to ATC - classification analyzed following groups: C02 - antihypertensive drugs, C03 - diuretics, C07 - beta blocking agents, C08 - calcium channel blockers, C09 - agents acting on the renin-angiotensin system.</p><p><strong>Conclusions. </strong>The majority of medicines, which are offered on the European markets, are represented in domestic market. The exclusions are the medicines, which contain clopamide, chlortalidone, canreon – from the diuretics group, pindolol and acetebulol – from the β-blockers group, isradipine – from the group of calcium channel blockers, benazepril, cilazapril, trandolapril and imidapril – from angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitors group. Assortment of antihypertensive medicines in the market of Poland is represented by combined medicines of benazepril with diuretics, cilazapril with diuretics, ramipril with felodipine, aliskiren with amlodipine, which are absent on the domestic market.</p>


  • the article analyzes the antihypertensive medicinesassortment which is presented in the pharmaceutical markets of Ukraine

  • Асортимент антигіпертензивних лікарських препаратів на ринку Польщі представлений комбінованими препаратами беназеприлу з діуретиками, цилазаприлу з діуретиками, раміприлу з фелодипіном, аліскірену з амлодипіном, які відсутні на вітчизняному ринку

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Summary: the article analyzes the antihypertensive medicinesassortment which is presented in the pharmaceutical markets of Ukraine and Poland. ДОСЛІДЖЕННЯ АСОРТИМЕНТУ АНТИГІПЕРТЕНЗИВНИХ ПРЕПАРАТІВ, ЩО ПРЕДСТАВЛЕНІ НА ФАРМАЦЕВТИЧНИХ РИНКАХ УКРАЇНИ ТА ПОЛЬЩІ Мета роботи – вивчити асортимент лікарських засобів (ЛЗ) для лікування АГ, що доступні споживачам в Україні шляхом порівняння з асортиментом антигіпертензивних препаратів, які представлені на фармацевтичному ринку Польщі.

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