
The article in the process of analysis of philosophical, scientific and pedagogical literature reveals the requirements of the New Ukrainian school for teacher training,namely: the formation of a new type of teacher, the need to have good training, which depends on certain personality traits, possess qualities (have organizational skills, be fully developed, optimistic, have a love of life, develop sensitivity, treat people humanely and think creatively). It has been found that the modern teacher must constantly work on himself, learn quickly, master new technologies, change instantly to meet the fleeting demands of society. It is gradually ceasing to be a source of knowledge, and should teach the younger generation to organize the process of learning The purpose of the study was to determine the professional competencies of future teachers of the New Ukrainian School during pedagogical practice. The research was carried out in the interdisciplinary space of humanities. To achieve this goal, theoretical research methods were used – general scientific: analysis, synthesis, classification, comparison, comparison and generalization; specific scientific: study of legal documents for the training of teachers, terminological analysis of scientific and pedagogical literature to compare different approaches to solving the problem of research, system-structural method to clarify the relationship and interaction of structural elements of pedagogical practice. As a result, it was found that the main professional competencies of future teachers, which are formed in the process of pedagogical practice, include: the implementation of long-term and current planning of the content of all types of work; definition and realization in interrelation of developing and educational tasks, use of various receptions of psychological and pedagogical action taking into account individual features of children; reasonable choice and application of methods, forms and techniques during classes. It was revealed for the first time that the professional training of future teachers of the New Ukrainian School should be aimed at developing the ability to learn independently, self-improvement, because he is expected to be professional in his activities, responsible and creative attitude to his work. It is in the process of practice that contradictions between the available and necessary stock of knowledge are revealed, which acts as a driving factor of continuous self-education.


  • State National Program «Education (Ukraine of the XXI Century)» regulates the main ways of reviving the national education system, including: continuous spiritual selfimprovement, creative self-realization, satisfaction of needs, improving the professionalism of teachers, forming teachers' ability to respond dynamically to public life. advanced educational technologies

  • Modernization of the content of education is an important factor in the development of the education system as a whole, which realizes its new values, provides humanistic orientation, creates preconditions for the development of creative opportunities of teachers, providing a process of renewal of complex, progressive and systemic nature

  • Modern children live in a dynamic environment that is constantly evolving. Their characteristic features are high emotional sensitivity, mental activity and awareness in most of the available areas of reality. This situation determines the specific requirements for the professional competence of the future teacher – a person on whom the success of student development depends

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Положення про проведення практики студентів вищих навчальних закладів

України. Документ z0035-93, поточна редакція від 20.12.1994. URL: https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/z0035-93 7. Проценко І. І. Евристичний діалог у формуванні професійно-творчих умінь майбутнього вчителя. Професійно-творча самореалізація майбутнього педагога в інноваційній освіті: монографія / за ред. проф. М. О. Лазарєва. Суми: СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2013. 386 с.

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